dGTecs – your strong partner!
dGTecs GmbH – Your environmental specialist
The dGTecs GmbH is a TÜV certified provider of operating models for industrial wastewater treatment, as well as your service specialist concerning the water, wastewater and drinking water treatment. Another core competence of our company is the distribution of technical fabrics and spiral screens for sludge dewatering, special chemicals for water and wastewater treatment, as well as other industrial products. Our thinking and acting is always oriented to economic and environmental considerations. With this philosophy, we work out sophisticated concepts, products and individual services for our clients.
Operating model
dGTecs GmbH – ein TÜV zertifiziertes und spezialisiertes Dienstleistungsunternehmen zur Übernahme Ihrer Wasser- und Abwasseraufbereitung.

Cooling Water Treatment
Durch die Veröffentlichung der 42. BImSchV am 19. August 2017 treten umfangreiche Prüfpflichten für Anlagenbetreiber von Verdunstungskühlanlagen, Kühltürme und Nassabscheider in Kraft.

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